Tag Archives: garden


27 Sep

On Thursday I was having one of those days… the one where your shorts fit a little too snug and you tell yourself that you are going to kick it into shape (just as soon as the weather gets cooler)… then Friday got here.  This would be the Friday I had planned to mark out the planting squares for the garden. 

Sixteen four foot squares (which turned into sixteen five foot squares after I had a few sections done and thought we need to dedicate more space to growing rather than walking).

On Friday it was hot.  100 degrees.  And I spent most of the day with a measuring tape and a 10 pound sledge hammer, pounding garden stakes into the ground.  It was hot.  I got the work out I had been looking for.  It’s funny how you learn exactly which muscles it takes to do a task, when you have done it so many times they start to hurt.  My arms, my back, my thighs and my abs, they didn’t like me much.

by the end of the day, this was what the garden looked like.  I was really excited to see shape to the ground.  Now I could point out where everything would go… Lettuces there, wheat over here.. perhaps the strawberries there.

The next day was Saturday… Compost Day!  And if I thought Friday was a workout..

a long two months…

12 Sep

It has been a long two (very hot) months.  The garden has been hard at work harnessing the power of the sun and its big plastic comforter to kill off as many un-wanted residents as possible before planting.

I am glad to have this part out of the way… but you know who else is glad?  Six laying ladies and two curious kids.  It was like you opened the doors to a new theme park.  Before I had even finished pulling up the plastic, there they all were, in the dirt.

I think it may be hard to get them to stop…