Tag Archives: start

staking a claim..

26 May

it has been for a long time now my dream to have a garden that would actually feed our family.  so a few weeks ago, i staked my claim in our backyard.  729 square feet.  i have all summer to get the ground ready for planting.. so i thought me and a shovel and a few weeks and we’d be good.  when it’s just you and a shovel 729 square feet seems like a football field… the neighbor suggested his tiller.  after an hour of shoveling, i accepted his offer.

not that this machine is much easier to use… it was slow go at first.  inch by inch (of struggling with this monster, i might add).  after two days and not much accomplished is was decided the ground needed to be soaked.  it was like the blades were just scraping rock.  i was shocked at the condition of our soil.  years of grass have left it empty.  there will be a lot of work before we can grow anything else in this ground…  the ground was soaked and the work became much easier… (water is amazing).

now the ground is loose (and the chickens are in heaven)… time to solarize.  we are moving some more dirt into the garden and then it will be covered during the heat of the summer to kill off weeds.  in the mean time the design of the garden is in progress..