Tag Archives: natural

octopus garden…

24 Jul

if you’re new to my life, i am the proud and sometimes incredibly tired mother, of two BEAUTIFUL (if i do say so myself) girls.  i also believe (like a crazy woman) that kids learn best through play (not the video game kind).  i love watching preschoolers (adults are more frustrating!) learn.  they are SO funny! the things they say OMG.. rolling on the floor! …i digress..

margot is currently obsessed with latex gloves…  whenever i put them on (which is not too often) she wants one.. NOW!  i think she thinks they make her like a princess (this child is from mars BTW).  so, the other morning we were watering the plants (which is when i fill a galvanized bucket with water for her play with) and she filled up a glub (glove margot style) and asked me to tie it for her.  I added two pom poms before i did and told her it was an octopus.

into the bucket he went.. you know they can’t be out of the water for long.. add some rocks and sand to the mix and soon you have a lovely octopus garden.  ok people we are talking at least 45 minutes of busy-ness… some water play (which is always nice in the middle of a seriously, horribly, HOT summer) and mom saves the day again!!

i am a people watcher at heart and i love, love, LOVE to watch these little people discovering the world.  it makes me realize how much i take for granted.  so if you have little ones.. make yourselves an octopus.  and remember, mr. octopus works just as well in the sink or the bath… just don’t forget your imagination or your smile.